


Feminism word is definitely related to “women empowerment” but nowadays wit increasing number of feminists, number of pseudo feminists is also increasing. Fake dowry cases, fake rape cases, fake allegations on men are some major issues of it that should be noticed. “Fake” feminism attempts to reap the social benefits of moderate self-proclaimed feminism while still complying with patriarchal rules that perpetuate gender disparities.

Honoring feminism can be a struggle when judging other women. Maybe it’s that we want our movement to feel inclusive or that we want to afford it the highest chance of success by increasing our numbers, but either way, including fake feminists in our numbers, does more harm than good. Condoning their growing prevalence is no longer a luxury the movement can afford. Fake feminism subscribes to several gender-biased notions that place it at odds with what real feminism holds to be true.

As much as we want to believe the converse, not all women are feminists. Feminism requires a willingness to oppose and acceptance of being opposed by society. Fake feminism would have women trust that the feminist movement can fit neatly into the constraints of a gender-biased community. Unfortunately, when the foundations we hold to be accurate and constant are built upon the gender-biased practices, a movement that seeks to remove such inequality cannot go hand in hand.

Fake feminism ignores its most basic prerequisite by finding no opponent in the social rules that govern our society, thereby condoning the gender-biased roots of many of our social constructs. Instead, fake feminism makes gender identification its sole prerequisite even though mere identification does nothing to help the cause for gender equality. Fake feminists believe they are immune from criticism based solely on their gender even though the point of feminism is to remove discrimination based exclusively on gender.

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. And they do not reflect the views of Prakhar Bharat group or prabha.blog. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and prabha.blog does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.


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