
SocialLGBTQ - A part of our society

LGBTQ – A part of our society

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Over the past decade, LGBT people have gained more and more tolerance and acceptance in India, especially in large cities.

Nonetheless, most LGBT people in India remain closeted, fearing discrimination from their families, who might see homosexuality as shameful. Discrimination is still present in rural areas, where LGBT people often face rejection from their families and forced opposite-sex marriages.

People in the LGBT community are fighting for equal rights and acceptance. Trans people, especially, face a lot of difficulty in finding acceptance. People in the LGBT community are looked down upon all the time. This is a major issue because discrimination against the LGBT community is highly prevalent.

LGBT people continue to face real discrimination in all areas of life. No federal law prevents a person from being fired or refused a job on the basis of sexual orientation. The nation’s largest employer – the U.S. military – openly discriminates against gays and lesbians. Mothers and fathers lose child custody simply because they are gay or lesbian, and gay people are denied the right to marry.

One state even tried to fence lesbians and gay men out of the process used to pass laws. In 1992 Colorado enacted Amendment 2, which repealed existing state laws and barred future laws protecting lesbians, gay men and bisexuals from discrimination. The U. S. Supreme Court struck it down in the landmark 1996 Romer v. Evans decision.

If normal men and women have the right to live in this society with respect then why not a person who belongs to LGBT can live in this society with respect. It’s not about what our religion says it’s about what humanity says…If we talk about religion as per the Hindu aspects Lord Rama had given a boon to hijras for their loyalty that’s why the curse or boon of hijras means a lot to the normal beings.

I think everyone who is living in this world, either normal or abnormal has equal rights to live in this society with full respect..!!

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. And they do not reflect the views of Prakhar Bharat group or prabha.blog. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and prabha.blog does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.


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