
HealthMental Health Education is the need of an hour

Mental Health Education is the need of an hour

Mental health refers to the behavioral and emotional well being of person. Mental health is all about how people think, feel and behave. Nowadays mental health problems are increasing fastly. Anxiety, depression, OCD are the main disorders affecting mental health of the person.

Global 20 percent of the youth suffers from mental health disorders while in India this percentage is 7.3 . Mental health problems are one of the major problems increasing now which is resulting into more number of suicidal cases. Much awareness is needed in countries like India, Pakistan and Nepal because not much number of people are aware of this increasing problem “Mental Health”.

Mental health disorders aare silent killers. You never know what a person is going through. A completely normal looking person might have been suffering from a severe depression or other disorders of mental health. They can completely kill a person from inside and still a person can look completely normal from outside. People need to understand that mind is like any other organ of our body. So in the same way, it needs to be treated properly like we treat any other organ with some injuries.

Mental health campaigns should be held in every city to aware more and more number of people. Mental Health Education should also included in schools so that the youth can understand the importance of mental health from starting. In this way, we can lessen sufferers of mental health in our country.

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. And they do not reflect the views of Prakhar Bharat group or prabha.blog. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and prabha.blog does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.


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